Christmas party 2022

Great opportunity to say thanks to Evangelos, Billy and Ben. Three brilliant colleagues who accompany me on our new adventure and are making a splash with new friends! Thanks Chaps. Sam

BBSRC grant success!

In collaboration with Professor Alan McNally and from the University of Birmingham our latest project: Understanding the pathway to multidrug resistant bacterial pathogens has been funded!

Guardian article on disease spillovers

Following recent unprecedented outbreaks of the H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus concerns have been raised to protect wildlife from livestock diseases. Sam spoke to the Guardian and was quoted as part of their article on disease spillovers between livestock and wildlife.

Dead birds being cleared from Staple Island, off Northumberland, where bird flu is devastating one of the UK’s most important seabird colonies, July 2022. Photograph: Owen Humphreys/PA
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